DIY: Grey & Yellow Bedroom Design

Last August, I moved from Boston to Orlando to be with my Lady J.  Since winters here are not quite like the ones up north, I’ve been motivated to tackle project after project in and around the home.  One of the first things we did was to create a more gender neutral bedroom, from pink/purple to grey/yellow.  While I focused on the backyard garden, J was busy looking for ideas for the bedroom.  I have to admit, J has some serious talent when it comes to interior decorating and taste (and fashion, not that I know much about that).  But it became obvious to me since her friends call her for decoration and fashion advice.

This post is all about her ideas– all I did was hang things up properly, and make sure everything was leveled (or else!)

Here are some of the DIY activities from the photos above:

  • Painted over old panels that J scavenged from her company office to match the room
  • J’s mom sewed yellow stripes on the pillows, made the bedskirt with yellow fabric, and used leftover fabric to make the center pillow
  • Yellow paint on the picture frame matte
  • Converted an old kitchen painting frame into an accessory holder/display with spray-painted ikea knobs
  • Ikea curtain rods, and BB&B curtains on clearance
  • Yellow flowers from the garden

Most of the purchases were inexpensive or free, which is always a big plus when creating original work.

So far, we’ve tackled just about every other room in the house, and I’ll be posting more of our ideas and work soon… please stay tuned. For now, I hope you enjoyed this yellow and grey theme!


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